Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why are kids so smart?

Today my seven year old asked me a question that stopped me in my tracks.  "Mommy, did you and daddy fight over who would keep me?"  What on earth???  How did she even know to ask that question?  Kids are so smart these days.  It is questions like these, that are a reminder of where I am in life, that are hard to answer.  I think I handled this one well though.  There was a part of me that wanted to blurt out something not so nice... But God helped me hold my tongue and be still for a moment while I thought of the appropriate answer.  This is what I said, "Well, that is an interesting question sweet.  Actually there was never a thought about who you would go with.  One of the wonderful things about your dad is that he puts your best interests first and he knows that I am a good mommy and that I am the best one for you to live with.  You it was never a question.  Do you realize how much your dad loves you?"  She got a big smile on her face and nodded.  That was all she needed.  I think she asked that because she wanted to see if her dad wanted her.  I could have crushed her spirit with the wrong answer.

This kind of goes with yesterdays post about showing my children their fathers love when I can.  :)  Today I handled it well, now for tomorrow!

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