Tuesday, July 17, 2012

He IS my "Sure Shot"!

This was something God put on my moms heart one day.  She wrote this:

This was given to me on July 5, 2012
"From my kitchen window":
As I viewed out my kitchen window I noticed a couple of wasps gathering at the top of my outside table umbrella and then they disappeared into a tiny opening.  Fearing they would make their home within the folds of the underside of the umbrella, I thought if I opened it they would fly away and "plant" elsewhere.  Not so!  It was too late.  Already they (and their busy squadron) had already formed a sizable nest.  Determined to rid our umbrella of the threatening and feared possible stings as we would sit unsuspectingly beneath, I got out a can of wasp and hornet spray "Sure Shot" - "Kills on Contact" and blasted a steady stream directly aiming at the nest and swarming wasps.  Instantly the wasps dropped or flew away.

As I returned to my "inside retreat" watching again from my kitchen window - I noticed a few die hard wasps flying around the umbrella attempting to return to their nest, which was soaked in Sure Shot.  I thought, "those wasps are persistent - looking for another entrance - another option - but they were unsuccessful.  The Sure Shot was the distraction  to prevent the rebuilding of the nest.  As I experienced my wasp event I thought how similar the enemy Satan is!  He searches for the smallest entrance in our lives - and almost without noticing he enters and makes his residence within, gathering, building, causing havoc in our lives with unsuspecting skill and  harmful "stings" using - guilt, shame, unresolved anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, envy, jealousy, strife, creating his damaging effects in our lives.  The Lord, His Word, our faith, our praise and thankfulness to Him, our obedience to Him is our protection to keep a constant and continuous guard against the enemy and be our "Sure Shot" to prevent the enemy from entering or taking up residence within us. 

He IS my "Sure Shot"!

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