Sunday, March 18, 2012

Transition Time

Being Organized is the Key

As a single mom I have had to learn how to cut corners in my 'duties' as the person who runs my house.  For me, being organized is the key.  I struggle all the time with keeping a clean house.  I just can't seem to stay on top of it!  I will be honest, I do not like cleaning at all.  Organizing... I can do that all day long.  It is therapy to me.  Cleaning is a chore, a chore I have to make myself do.  I have a system in place where I clean on Sundays, the day my ex has my little girl.  I try to utilize that day to get ready for the whole week.  I cook two meals, clean the house, get all Sabrina's bags ready (dance, school, etc...), get all my stuff ready for work, laundry, have lunch items ready, etc.  When I do not do this, my week is much harder and more chaotic.  I feel refreshed and ready to begin the week when all this stuff is ready Sunday night.  When I am not able to accomplish this I usually feel anxious.  So, it is important for me to do this.

We all need to find what parts of our life make us feel out of control, and what we can do to get control over that area.  What single mom doesn't need to feel in control of at least something? We have all learned that we don't have control over much, so where can we get control to feel like we are accomplishing what we need to? For me it is being organized for my crazy week ahead.  What is it for you?  How do you make it work?  I would love to hear from you.

A couple other tricks of mine:
  • I have a folder/notebook for each of my kids, even the ones that are adults.  The folder holds anything I need like school goals, chore charts, stickers, passport, etc...  All my folders are in a bag in my kitchen.  (I had to make it pretty!)
  • I have a bag for every event/job we are involved in to keep things organized.  One bag for dance, One bag for each of my jobs, One bag for my school books , One bag for visits with dad, One bag for church, etc...
  • I have my daughters toys in bins that I keep in the basement.  I bring up a few at a time in her room.  It keeps the mess down.  My daughter likes to play with everything at once, so this way we only are playing with Poly Pockets, Dolls and coloring at once.  Easier to clean that than all of her toys.  Plus when she gets tired of one toy, I switch it with another one and she is excited.
Share your ideas with me!

Paper Plates

You are all going to think I am crazy but I just discovered PAPER PLATES!  I was brought up in a home where my mom set a table for every meal we ate.  We always had place mats, a folded napkin, matching dishes and condiments in bowls not their bottles.  So, I have always tried to live up to that model I was taught.  I came to realize years ago that I am not my mom... not even close.  Even when I was married I would put the food in the container I was going to store it in on the table when serving dinner.  Why dirty more dishes right?

Dishes are my challenge, I always feel like I am doing dishes.  Well a couple of weeks ago I decided to try paper plates.  I thought I could just use them for breakfast and lunch. It was a hard decision for me, not only because of the way I was brought up but also because I am sensitive about taking care of our environment. But I had to try it and I am telling you this has changed my life! Ok, I am being a little dramatic, but seriously I can not believe what a load this has taken off my chores at home.  I have even started using them for dinner and everything.  Did you know if you buy the nicer ones, you can put them in the microwave? I always find them on sale, so spending $3 on paper plates that last a couple weeks, is totally worth it to me.  AND by saving all the time not doing dishes, I am actually picking up a little more around the house.

I'm telling you ladies, it is the little things that make me so happy.  Find the little things that can help you make life easier.  Isn't that really what we need?  Anything and everything that can make our lives easier?  Maybe you can't change to paper plates, but what is something that you can find that can add a little more time in your life? Share your ideas with us!

Scary... Can I do this?


Forgiveness.  Forgiveness.  Forgiveness.
When you have been betrayed by someone, the hardest thing is forgiving them.  It takes God, time and determination, at least for me it does.

When my husband and I separated I was so angry I couldn't even think straight.  I was devastated, hurt, confused, and mostly angry.  I spent the first three years of my separation angry.  My dad would tell me that he could see it in my being and that I needed to forgive my ex.  I wanted to so bad, but I just couldn't get rid of the anger.  I went to meetings, counseling, anything I could get my hands on to help me forgive him, but I just couldn't. I lost three years because I don't remember anything I was so angry. Three years of my kids lives.  Three years I wasn't the mom I needed to be.  Three years of nothing. I can never get those years back.

The Bible says that we have the right to be angry sometimes.  It is a normal reaction.  However, it is how we react to that anger that can be right or wrong.  Reacting in a wrong way is sin.  God can free us from anything, even the deep roots of our anger.  I prayed that God would free me from the anger I felt.  I didn't want to be this way and finally He showed me the way!

It is a long story,and everyone's story will be different,  but one day I finally forgave my ex.  I felt the blood of Jesus literally wash over me and cleanse my soul.  I could literally feel the anger wash off of me.  I felt so free... finally! I will be honest, it is a constant process for me.  However the initial anger isn't there anymore.  It is that initial anger that caused me not to even remember those first three years of my separation.  Do I still feel anger? Of course.  I feel anger when I watch my kids pain in all this.  However, I am in a new place where I do not let that anger control me.

Every year I pick a word to represent that year.  I thoughtfully pray about what the word should be and I believe God lays it on my heart.  The year I finally forgave my ex, my word was PEACE.  I needed peace in my life, I hungered for it.  Peace in my home, peace with my children, peace.  I will tell you that I learned that year that just because I pick a word, does not mean the year will be that word, but rather about getting to that word.  Does that make sense?  In other words, that year was not peaceful for me at all.  But, through the hard things that I went through that year, I was brought a peace that I had not felt in years.  I would go through it all over again to feel the forgiveness and peace that I have now.